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Counseling Style

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Person Centered Counseling

      I would like to take some time to discuss with everyone what kind of techniques and theories I use when I counsel students. Many people have misconceptions about how counseling works and this is my attempt to shed some light on how the process works. The theory I most often like to use is person-centered counseling, which was developed by Carl Rogers. This theory is a good fit for me personally because Roger’s overall view of human beings is very similar to how I view all human beings. He views all people as having worth and dignity and therefore, all people deserve respect. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes some times therefore; this view of people makes a lot of sense to me. Just because someone may be having a tough time or making some bad decisions does not mean he or she is a bad person. In my opinion, it simply means that the person is in need of a little assistance, and that is where I come in.


      Whenever someone feels like they could use some assistance my door is always open. Rogers also believes that all people are social, forward-moving, rational and realistic. This means that people have the capacity to solve their own problems. However, there are times when people may need a little help if they become “stuck”. Additionally, Rogers believed that all people have the potential for constructive change and personal development. This is important because before a person can change that person must believe that he or she is capable of change. It also helps when there is someone else who not only believes he or she can change, but who can also listen and lend a helping hand. The relationship between the counselor and the student is incredibly important. Without a solid relationship the counseling process will be ineffective. These are just a few reasons why I choose to use person-centered counseling with my students. If there are questions about this theory or how it works, please let me know. I will be happy to share more information with anyone interested. 


Carl Rogers
Father of Person Centered Counseling